Lessen the Stress

Adulting can be stressful. Following and maintaining a busy schedule often means sacrificing time for yourself, which can come at a great cost. But being aware of the adverse effects is often difficult – especially considering our growing dependence on tech for recreation and connection. Our screen culture has slowly numbed our natural ability to unwind. For instance, do you try to deny that compulsion to unplug and go for a long leisure walk? Maybe it’s time to say “yes” to that inner voice urging you to retreat from the tech - to connect with yourself. Adding a bit of self-care to your schedule can help in several ways - even if it feels counterintuitive to a productive lifestyle.

Guilt-Free Self-Care

A lot has been written lately about the importance of self-care - but putting it into practice is an entirely different proposition. A key factor is trying not to feel guilty about seeking some balance in your daily routine. Taking some time out for yourself should be calming and restorative, so approaching it with a positive attitude is just as important as putting it into action. Saying “yes” to that urge to read a few chapters of that book you put aside, without any nagging guilt, can help improve brain function, reduce stress, and fight depression. Saying “yes” to moments of mindfulness with complete focus can also help with productivity – especially when motivation to work or perform your daily routine has reached an impasse.

A Sense of Calm and Connectedness

When you’ve made the decision to pursue some self-care, make sure to listen to that inner voice. Self-care can mean a myriad of options: pursuing small moments of prayer/meditation, a ten-minute nap or even a couple of hours at the spa. It’s whatever personal choice that will provide you with a sense of calm and connectedness. Sometimes it’s easy to overlook the simplest opportunity for relaxation, which might first appear to be a mindless indulgence or distraction. Pay attention to those stress-relieving impulses and listen to that inner voice. Say “yes” to:

  • Lighting your favorite candle and putting on some calming music.
  • Buying that prepared dish at the market.
  • Reading several chapters of that book you put aside.
  • Taking that indulgent bath in the middle of the day. 
  • Spending time phone talking with a good friend.
  • Allowing the kids to play outside an extra 30 minutes.
  • Taking a long walk through the neighborhood.
At First & Luxe, we understand how difficult it can be to say yes to those small pleasures that are easily dismissed. We also understand how vitally important it is to listen to that inner voice – taking some time to disconnect and finding your way back to your true north. Our quality products, including the nourishing Sparkling Champagne Luxe Bath with Sweet Almond Oil, allow anyone to create a relaxing spa experience at home. Keep centered by giving yourself permission to relax and enjoy a stress-free activity – every day.
Click here to ensure that your self-care moment is both tranquil and restorative by exploring our line of luxurious bath and mediation products.